What Is Health Insurance?

Basically, health insurance is a way of paying for your medical bills and health care costs. Most people can’t pay for all their health care out-of-pocket, and just put it on a debit or credit card.
Health insurance can make it easier to pay your health care bills, and help you get the care you need.

How Health Insurance Works

When you have health insurance, your medical bills go first to your health insurance plan. Then, they pay for some or all of that bill according to the plan’s details.

In a way, health insurance is a lot like car insurance. If your car is in a bad accident and needs a lot of work to repair it – or maybe it needs to be replaced entirely with a new car – car insurance picks up some or all of the cost. And that’s good, because the cost of fixing or replacing your car could easily be more than you have in your bank account.

But, unlike car insurance, health insurance covers far more than just the costs from a bad accident. Health insurance often covers things like annual checkups, vaccinations, preventive health and other “routine maintenance” for your body and mind. It’s like if car insurance helped pay for oil changes and tire rotations.

Why Should I Get Health Insurance?

Broadly, there are two reasons to have health insurance:

  • Health insurance supports you if you get sick
  • Health insurance helps you avoid getting sick to begin with

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